September 15, 2020
By Christopher Gunty/Catholic Review
Photos: Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff
Clergy and some lay faithful gathered Sept. 14 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland to participate in the chrism Mass at which Archbishop William E. Lori blesses sacramental oils used in parishes and where priests of the diocese traditionally renew their promises.
With a stay-at-home order in place in the spring due to the coronavirus pandemic, the chrism Mass, usually celebrated the Monday of Holy Week (April 6 this year) was eventually celebrated on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, still with limits on attendance and social distancing, and with all in the congregation wearing face coverings. About 250 attended.
In his homily for the Mass, the archbishop reflected on the readings that the congregation would have heard during Holy Week as well as the readings for the feast of the Holy Cross.
“Had we gathered for the chrism Mass during Holy Week, we would have heard Jesus announce to the people of Nazareth the mission which God the Father had entrusted to him.
… In today’s feast, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, our eyes of faith behold how Jesus accomplished that mission, for which he was anointed and sent,” Archbishop Lori said.
“The Scriptures proclaimed this night tell how Jesus fulfilled his saving mission, and the blessing of the holy oils invites our renewed participation in that mission.”
The archbishop said the mission of those in the archdiocese is linked to Christ’s surrender on the cross.
“By the oils we are to consecrate and bless this evening, we are anointed with the same Spirit who anointed Jesus in the Jordan, the same Holy Spirit that Jesus breathed forth at the moment of his death. Indeed, the oils that we shall consecrate and bless signify and convey the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, who enables us, each of us, to participate in deeply beautiful ways in the saving mission of Jesus,” he said.
Full story and slideshow at CatholicReview.org